Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Reasons to Visit Our Highlands Ranch Store by Pete

I know that some of you still haven't visited our southern outpost, so here are a few reasons why you should.

1. Though you are no longer in Denver, the roads in Highlands Ranch are still paved. You won't have to take a stage coach or anything.

2. The HR/TC is refreshingly bright and spacious. By the time you've reached the far corners of the kid's section you're practically in another time zone.

3. Although the employees call themselves pirates, they're actually very nice people. After over five years of Saturday service they haven't made me walk the plank...yet. I'm guessing you'll be okay too.

4. I assume the women's restroom is the same, but the wallpaper in the men's restroom is quite pleasant. A collage of famous authors are there to make sure you wash those hands. No graffiti. Imagine that.

5. If you're lucky, your visit will coincide with pie day.

6. You might catch a fantastic sunset like this one:

--Pete (Roving newsstand person and painter of things*)

*Special Plug for our multi-talented Pete: please come visit a display of his paintings running the whole month of July on the 2nd floor of the Highlands Ranch Library. The library, located at 9292 Ridgeline Blvd., is just down the hill from the HR/TC. Hope to see you all at the show!!

A preview:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No thanks-- I prefer not to donate to the highlands ranch tax base through their sales tax.