Friday, February 22, 2013

"This little book has crawled into my heart and now I will champion it until my dying day." --Jackie

Learning to read builds confidence and hope

 In this heartwarming story, author Rob Shindler tells how he offered his time, unflagging energy, and unconventional teaching techniques to help a boy with serious learning differences and adults suffering from low literacy levels. A father who wanted to help his son with his reading deficiencies, Rob discovered the way to that goal was through volunteering at the Literacy Center of Chicago. There, he learned firsthand how ridiculous the common misconceptions are about learning disabilities and adult illiteracy. The assortment of students he taught were ambitious people who were eloquent, driven, clever, and so funny they made him laugh out loud. Here, Rob shares his students’ pain and humiliations, frustrations and hopes. Hot Dogs & Hamburgers demonstrates that literacy issues reside in all neighborhoods and that its victims are committed to finding dignity and life’s possibilities through learning to read. Rob’s teaching experiences are so motivating and rewarding that once you’ve read his story, you’re likely to begin your own journey as a literacy tutor.

Jackie says:
"This little book has crawled into my heart and now I will champion it until my dying day.  This is the story of Rob Shindler, successful in just about everything except helping is son learn to read (he has a reading disorder).  Finally, he made an appointment to meet with the folks at Literacy Center of Chicago for advice.  He ended up going through the training as a literacy tutor, and began teaching his first class of wildly different adults who want to make their lives easier and better by learning to read.  They have different reasons for why they never learned, and different reasons for coming to the class, but the same goal.  He uses the insights from his class to form a plan with his son.  There are times when I wanted to jump up and cheer, and others that gave me teary eyes.  This is one of the most positive, make the world a better place, working together to solve problems kind of book I've ever read.  It is inspiring to anyone who loves books and reading, and you can't help but look up literacy programs in the area that might need your help once you've read it.  The methods this books portrays will be handy with your kids as well as you community.  Please, please, please read this book!" 

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