Monday, October 24, 2011

TC Terror: Our Staff's Favorite Scary Reads (Part One)

Horror books and I have a long on again, off again relationship.  Here lately we've been meeting over coffee, and while I don't get that thrill I did as a teenager, these books really did set me on edge:

Ashes by Ilsa Bick
 This is both a survival-after-the-bomb story with a modern twist--an EMP has wiped out everything that ever used electricity, AND it's had a very strange effect on the 20-59 crowd, turning them into flesh eating very violent zombieish creatures.  It's written by a woman with extensive military experience, so it's very detailed and as realistic as these sorts of things get.  It's considered YA horror fiction, but I think grownups will get their chills on with it as well.

Those Across the River by Christopher Buelman
Set in the Depression era in the South, this book is CREEPY, with a bit of a deliverance aspect to it (complete with squealing pigs).  It's true horror but also very literary.  I suggest you read it behind locked doors and windows under a very bright light.

 Going back in time, some of the books that STILL scare me are:

The Beast Within by Edward Levy
A lonely, simple farm wife cheats on her husband with a traveling salesman and her psychotic husband gets revenge on both, creating a terrifying monster through profound cruelty and to devastating  consequence.  This one can still get under my skin just thinking about it. 

Pet Sematary by Stephen King
I'm pretty sure this book is the basis of my general avoidance of zombies, because that's what these once beloved pets become, at least to my eyes.  I've read a lot of Stephen King, and have been frightened plenty by his imagination, but this one takes the cake for me. 

Happy Haunting (and Reading) Everyone!


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