Thursday, March 4, 2010

Saturday Night, March 6, At Tattered Cover Colfax Avenue

Dan Simmons - Black Hills

March 6, 2010 - 6:30pm
Colfax Avenue: Colorado author Dan Simmons, acclaimed for his science fiction, horror and history novels, including the Hyperion books, The Terror, and Drood, will read from and sign his new historic ghost story Black Hills ($25.99 Reagan Arthur Books). Seamlessly weaving together the stories of Paha Sapa, a young Sioux warrior, General George Armstrong Custer, and the American West, Simmons depicts a tumultuous time in the history of both Native and white Americans. Haunted by Custer’s ghost, and also by his ability to see into the memories and futures of legendary men like Sioux war-chief Crazy Horse, Paha Sapa’s long life is driven by a dramatic vision he experienced as a boy in his people’s sacred Black Hills. In August of 1936, as a dynamite worker on the massive Mount Rushmore project, Paha Sapa plans to silence his ghost forever and reclaim his people’s legacy—on the very day FDR comes to Mount Rushmore to dedicate the Jefferson face.

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