Saturday, March 31, 2012

What If The Titanic Didn't Sink?

‘He could feel it. The flutter of butterfly wings that would herald a brighter, better world. He looked out to the flat, calm ocean, the moonless night. Beyond the ship’s illumination the dark waters rose up so that he felt as if he and the ship lay at the centre of a vast opaque bowl. Then at a distance, under the starlight’s dim flicker, he saw it. First, a jagged edge, then two irregular peaks, riding black against the black night sky.’
A mysterious man appears aboard the Titanic on its doomed voyage, his mission to save the ship.  The result of his efforts is a worldwhere the United States never entered World War I, thus launching the secret history of the 20th century.

April 2012.  Joseph Kennedy, relation of John F. Kennedy, lives in an America occupied on the East Coast by the Germans and on the West Coast by the Japanese.  He is on of six people who can restore history to its rightful order--even though it will mean his own death.

Read an interview with the author about his writing process for this book HERE. 

Read more from the author HERE.


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