Our bookseller Jackie found a very cool website that we want to share with you:
You go to this site, you type in the name of an author, and it literally creates a visual map of OTHER authors whom you might like if you like the one you typed in. The closer to the author's name their names float, the more likely you are to like them. Sort of like an intelligent literary Magic8 Ball.
I just tried it with "Jane Hamilton" since that's the most recent book I finished, and I got dozens of names, which interestingly enough included Dr Seuss and Ed McBain among others, though granted they weren't the closest names. So now, for me, it's begun a mind game trying to figure out just why these people are similar to JH. I can see hours being sucked in by this site--hours. Very entertaining hours, though.
I found this through a blog called Good Books In Bad Times, which is an interesting site in and of itself.
Have fun!
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