Okay, after months and years of laboring at the kitchen table once the kids have gone to bed, you've written a book - possibly even (gulp) self-published 1,000 copies that are now languishing in your garage - how are you going to sell them?
For independent authors, navigating the path from completed manuscript, through printing and bookstore placement, to finally establishing a readership, can be a significant challenge.
The Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Association, with 72 bookstore members in Colorado and another 100 in surrounding states, has assembled a day-long event to help you achieve your goal.
On Saturday, September 25, panels of experts in printing, publishing, bookselling, and marketing will gather at the Marriott Denver Tech Center to share with writers their industry knowledge, unique perspectives, and practical advice at the first-ever Writers & the Independent Marketplace conference.
The first ten people to register for the conference will have an opportunity to pitch their book and receive a critique from Arielle Eckstut, agent-at-large at the Levine Greenberg Literary Agency, entrepreneur, and bestselling author of The Essential Guide To Getting Your Book Published.
Other panels will feature booksellers from some of the inconic bookstores in the country, including Boulder Bookstore, Tattered Cover Bookstore, and Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, Arizona. As a bonus, attendees will enjoy an Author Luncheon and Author Banquet with some of the most successful writers of our time.
For complete information and registration, call 1-800-752-0249 or visit the Mountains & Plains website at www.mountainsplains.org and click on
http://www.mountainsplains.org/independent-marketplace.aspx "Writers & the
Independent Marketplace".
Tickets to the Author Banquet are also available separately by clicking on Author
http://www.mountainsplains.org/Author-Banquet-for-Literacy.aspx Banquet
for Literacy.
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